Planning, Law and Property Rights Conference 2015 (25-27 February 2015)

Planning, Law and Property Rights Conference 2015

Department of Planning and Regional Development (DPRD)

University of Thessaly

The International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights and the Department of Planning and Regional Development (DPRD) would like to invite you to the 9th Conference in 25-27 February 2015, Volos, Greece!

The International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) attracts academics in spatial planning, land-use and property law, real estate or related disciplines from all parts of the world (learn more about PLPR on www.plpr-association.org) and explores urban issues, legislative frameworks, and land ownership.

Planning matters. Law matters. Property matters.

Three simple messages inspiring the growing PLPR community to examine the difficult relationship between public and private interests in the use of land.

The Academic Association's functions aim at:

Serving as an academic peer group for research in the field. To promote research with a cross-national comparative perspective so as to enable exchange of knowledge that is so lacking in the current state of research.

Exchanging approaches and methods in the teaching of planning law to planning students.

Supporting young academics researching in the fields of planning, law, and property rights.


Κατηγορίες: Ημερίδες, Συνέδρια

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  • Planning, Law and Property Rights Conference 2015 (25-27 February 2015)

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