PROPERTY RIGHTS: Wyo. man takes 'rail tr...
FOX PARK, Wyo. -- Floor-to-ceiling windows in Marvin Brandt's two-story cabin offer a panoramic view of the snowy, wind-swept Medicine Bow forest. The scene reminds Brandt of his father's sawmill that once produced rail ties for the Union Pacific Railroad. The mill is long gone, and -- to Brandt's eye -- his view is ruined by a Forest Service bicycle trail that runs behind his property, then bis......

Will California worsen its already terri...
When the infamous Kelo v. New London was decided in 2005, California was already one of the worst states in the nation when it came to eminent domain. In the five years leading up to that decision, California had used or threatened eminent domain against home and business owners some 858 times for the benefit of private developers. When the decision sparked public outrage, the California League of......

2014: year of shale for planners
Shale gas exploration will be a defining part of the planning scene in 2014.  In 2013, the Government used new best practice planning guidance and other announcements to help shale prospecting get off the ground.  Centrica’s 25% stake in Cuadrilla’s Bowland Shale operations confirmed that oil and gas majors see sufficient regulatory tailwinds to get involved.  More reforms, investment deals, plann......

Κατηγορίες: Χωροταξία
Muscular Action
The Bank of England is concerned that Britain is building half as many homes a year as Canada, despite having twice the population.  Planners are concerned about unplanned growth.  David Cameron’s support in early 2012 for a new Abercrombie Plan to protect the green belt and meet housing needs led to an RTPI/ Land Securities report.  But a Garden Cities Prospectus promised for high growth areas ha......

Zoning-law interpretation not an exact s...
In the world of county zoning laws, not everything is black and white. Flathead County’s zoning regulations are laid out in a 233-page document that covers a wide breadth about what property owners can and can’t do with their land — if their property is zoned, that is. Many tracts of land throughout the county are unzoned, with even less regulatory oversight. There are plenty of times when an i......

Fracking community benefits row threaten...
Britain's hopes of a shale gas boom are at risk from a stand-off between the Government and council chiefs, who are demanding communities near fracking sites receive payments ten times higher than those on offer. The Local Government Association has warned that councils could deny drillers planning permission unless communities are guaranteed a 10 per cent share of revenues for “any gas w......

Even Controlling For Poverty, Urban Plac...
A recent study purporting to debunk the link between sprawl and ill health has gotten much publicity recently.  Some commentators have trotted out the old argument that plenty of city-dwellers, especially in poor areas, are fat, so therefore sprawl really just doesn't matter. I am perfectly willing to concede for the sake of argument that poorer people tend to be fatter (though a CDC report sugge......

How A Giant Mall Parking Lot Turned Into...
If a sprawling mall parking lot is one of the symbols of suburban America, this particular lot is a perfect example of how the suburbs are changing: Six acres of pavement have just been turned into the beginnings of a walkable community, complete with a new park that’s helping restore a creek for local salmon. The shopping center next door--Northgate Mall--was one of the first suburban ma......

How Boulder Became America's Startup Cap...
We had barely started our tour of the Chautauqua, Boulder's verdant 19th-century park, when my guide for the morning, local historian Carol Taylor, handed me the packet with the "cautionary tales." They were photocopied news articles, all from national publications, all featuring Boulder and all written--in Taylor's mind, anyway--by superficial out-of-towner nincompoops. "Namaste and Pass the Naan......

Tall is Good: How a Lack of Building Up ...
Early in Spike Jonze's new film Her, Joaquin Phoenix's character gazes out his Los Angeles window. As the camera pans, we see not a squat, sprawling metropolis, but a golden-lit landscape of skyscrapers stretching all the way to the horizon. When I saw the film last Friday night, this scene made me gasp. It wasn't just the shock of seeing L.A. rendered as a vertical city. It was because this L.A.......


To portal www.spatialplandev.gr δημιουργήθηκε στα μέσα του 2014 από την εταιρεία Spatial Planning & Development Ε.Π.Ε.

Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος της προσπάθειας αυτής έχει οριστεί ο κ. Κωνσταντίνος Τσάντζαλος, Δικηγόρος Αθηνών, πτυχιούχος της Νομικής Σχολής του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, κάτοχος μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου σπουδών (MSc) στο γνωστικό αντικείμενο Χωροταξίας – Πολεοδομίας – Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης του Τμήματος Μηχανικών Χωροταξίας, Πολεοδομίας & Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης της Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας και υπ. Διδάκτωρ του Τμήματος Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης της Σχολής Οικονομικών και Πολιτικών Σπουδών του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.
